Not for Profit Bookkeeping – an affordable resource to help you make a difference

My name is John Burke. I am a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand with over 37 years as a Chartered Accountant. I have been the honorary treasurer of many not-for-profit organisations over those years. I know there are very few funds available to seek professional help.
There is a real need for low-cost professional bookkeeping and related support services for charities, sporting clubs, community groups and other not-for-profit organisations.
Not for Profit Bookkeeping was established to meet this need. I don’t have the overheads of other organisations therefore I can keep fees affordable and provide personal hands-on support and advice.
I also work to find effective free or minimum cost technology to further free up valuable resources that can be better used in furthering the cause of your organisation.

I provide a free no-obligation initial consultation by telephone or video conferencing.
Christopher (Kit) Kelen, FRSN

Emeritus Professor of English (University of Macau)
Conjoint Professor in the School of Humanities & Social Science (University of Newcastle)
Series Editor, Flying Islands Pocket Poets
President, Flying Islands Poetry Community Inc.
John has played a pivotal role in facilitating the successful ACNC registration process as a charity for the non-profit community publisher, Flying Islands Poetry Community Inc. . Flying Islands is an organisation that promotes writing (and translation) from ethnically and otherwise diverse groups, in Australia and around the world. Flying Islands has published roughly eighty volumes of poetry over the last ten years. During the recent process of Flying Islands’ incorporation in NSW, through which John guided us, and, subsequently, as Treasurer of the incorporated body, John has been instrumental, in navigating the unavoidable bureaucratic shoals and snags. He has introduced us to a range of helpful free tools that have facilitated various forms of collaboration in the organisation, and with other co-operating bodies. In short, through his extensive knowledge and experience, John has saved us immense amounts of time, money and worry. His participation has been invaluable and we are very grateful for it.
In all my dealings with John, I have found him to be meticulous, thorough and persistent, a good team player, and a professional with excellent communication skills. John continually surprises me with his knowledge of things (legislation, regulation, procedures) that organizations (such as I am involved in) do not wish to know about but need to be able to negotiate. Over many years I have seen how he handles everything that comes his way with calm good humour and with great tolerance (for instance of the ignorant parties around him who do really need his help).
John has an extraordinary gift for dealing with what appear to the layperson to be fearful bureaucratic, legalistic tangles. He is, in short, a marvel. If you work out a way to have John work with you then you should thank your lucky stars.
Please look on us as a resource you can contact at any time to help you make a difference. Feel free to make a no-obligation call on 040404 5410 or use the contact form below. No organisation is too small.